Open Doors Event
WBC on Thursday, 3 April, from 10:00am-12:30pm
This is a unique opportunity to learn more about the 380 million persecuted Christians worldwide, the work of Open Doors, and our exclusive ONE Church programme. This initiative connects church leadership teams and congregations with the persecuted church through online gatherings, opportunities to travel and meet believers, and regular inspiring stories and prayer points.
You will also have the privilege of meeting Abraham* and Eti in-person. Eti recently addressed 103 MPs in Parliament at the launch of our World Watch List in January. Abraham and Eti, a husband-and-wife team, have faithfully served as local partners in Bangladesh and beyond, supporting persecuted Muslim Background Believers. They will be sharing their personal experiences of persecution and the stories of others, followed by a time of Q&A, prayer, and worship.
(*Name changed for security reasons.)
Please register your place HERE to attend. Refreshments will be provided on arrival.
If you’re unable to join us in-person, we will also be livestreaming this event, so you can join online and hear from Abraham and Eti on Thursday 3rd April from 11am-12pm.

Coffee morning with 'Parenting special children'
A coffee morning for families of children with additional needs from ethnically diverse communities living in the Reading Borough Council area.
Dates: Wednesday 29th January, 26th February and 26th March
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Norcot Mission Church, Brockley Close, Reading RG30 4YP
Cost: Free
See the Parenting Special Children website for more information: https://parentingspecialchildren.co.uk/events/ethnically-diverse-communities-coffee-morning-jan-2025/

CAP Money Course
The CAP Money course teaches us to be smarter in managing our money, day-by-day. CAP experts have developed a proven method for helping people to take control of their finances, to avoid debt and become confident in building a spending plan and sticking to it. The CAP money course will take place at the Greyfriars Centre on Friar St, Reading.
The course will run on Monday evenings in March: 17th, 24th, 31st and 7th April, from 7PM (7:15PM start!) to 9PM. For more information and bookings, please go to this link: https://greyfriars.churchsuite.com/events/8z9iwsil

Café Théologique with the new Bishop of Reading, Mary Gregory
Wednesday 19th March - 7.30pm, ZeroDegrees Bar, Bridge Street.
Revd Canon Mary Gregory was ordained in 2005 and served her curacies and early incumbencies in the Dioceses of Sheffield and Leicester. Café Théologique is hosted by the University of Reading Chaplaincy and is a space to explore contemporary issues from a theological perspective. All are welcome. Events are free to attend without booking. Guests are welcome to join us for food at the venue from 6pm. This event will be in-person and online. For more details, visit Facebook event page or email Chaplaincy Administrator at crs96cc@reading.ac.uk.

CAP Money Course
The CAP Money course teaches us to be smarter in managing our money, day-by-day. CAP experts have developed a proven method for helping people to take control of their finances, to avoid debt and become confident in building a spending plan and sticking to it. The CAP money course will take place at the Greyfriars Centre on Friar St, Reading.
The course will run on Monday evenings in March: 17th, 24th, 31st and 7th April, from 7PM (7:15PM start!) to 9PM. For more information and bookings, please go to this link: https://greyfriars.churchsuite.com/events/8z9iwsil

World Day of Prayer
7th March - 10.30am at the Wesley Methodist Church in Reading and 2pm at St Mary's church in Shinfield
This year it has been written by the ladies of the Cook Islands along with specially composed music. This ecumenical service will be taking place all over the world on this day (at different times) so unite with fellow Christians and share this wonderful time together. All are welcome and there will be a time for fellowship after when refreshments and cake will be served. For further information please contact gayerees@talktalk.net.

Young Adults Worship Event
Saturday 1st March - 7pm at Kennet Valley Free Church. This is an evening of sung worship and prayer aimed at 18-35s from all around Reading to worship our Lord together. It is a joy and privilege to worship our Lord and even better when we can encourage one another in doing so and join together as a community of brothers and sisters from all across Reading. For more info: Charlie-kvfc@hotmail.com or micahjoelcooke@gmail.com

Coffee morning with 'Parenting special children'
A coffee morning for families of children with additional needs from ethnically diverse communities living in the Reading Borough Council area.
Dates: Wednesday 29th January, 26th February and 26th March
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Norcot Mission Church, Brockley Close, Reading RG30 4YP
Cost: Free
See the Parenting Special Children website for more information: https://parentingspecialchildren.co.uk/events/ethnically-diverse-communities-coffee-morning-jan-2025/

All Nations Multicultural Worship Day Course
For more information, go to the All Nations Collage website: Multicultural Worship Day | All Nations Christian College

Raising confident kids in a confusing world
Faith in Kids are running and session in Maidenhead on Wednesday 12th February on ‘Raising Confident Kids in a Confusing World’. It hopes to equip parents to have conversation with their children around topics such as sexuality, morality and gender and to know that they are God's ‘plan A’ for raising faith in their children. This is the link for more information or to book tickets:
Wed 12 Feb 2025 7:45 PM - 9:30 PM
St Mary's Church, St Mary's Close, High St, Maidenhead, SL6 1YY

24/7 Worship Night
Worship from 6-9pm on Friday 7 February 2025 at Brookside Church RG6 7HG
We would love for you to join us for an evening of non-stop worship & prayer!
Please contact: reading@worship247network.com for further details.
Insta: @worship247reading

Coffee morning with 'Parenting special children'
A coffee morning for families of children with additional needs from ethnically diverse communities living in the Reading Borough Council area.
Dates: Wednesday 29th January, 26th February and 26th March
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Norcot Mission Church, Brockley Close, Reading RG30 4YP
Cost: Free
See the Parenting Special Children website for more information: https://parentingspecialchildren.co.uk/events/ethnically-diverse-communities-coffee-morning-jan-2025/
Service for the week of prayer of Christian unity
You are invited to a Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
6pm Sunday 19th January, 2025
St. Michael’s Church Tilehurst, New Lane Hill, Reading, RG30 4JX
Organised by Churches Together in West Reading, Tilehurst & Southcote
Materials prepared by the ecumenical community at Bose in Northern Italy. Celebrating 1,700 years of the Nicene Creed.
Preacher: Fr Ian Graham

BURN: Reading worship and prayer event
Burn Worship 24/7 Reading at Greyfriars Church Centre RG1 1EH, at 5-9pm on Friday 3 January, (family hour 5-6pm).
Join other followers of Jesus for an evening of non-stop worship as we kick off the New Year!
Contact: Reading@worship247network.com for more details.

Christmas Day
Come along on 25th December!
All age service at 10:45am.
You are invited to bring along a present to open with others if you wish.

Carol Services
Come along on 22nd December!
Morning service at 9am.
Christingle service in The Warehouse at 10:45am.
Carols by candlelight at 6pm.

Nativity Services
Come along on 15th December!
A retelling of the Christmas story by our children, youth and families at 10:45am.

Reading Aglow - Women's event
Speaker: Dalene Reyburn
Originally from South Africa, Dalene is a writer, speaker, teacher and best-selling author of eight books. Nothing excites her more than offering truth, courage and hope. She believes as Jesus changes our hearts, we can change the world for his glory.
Date: Monday 9th December 2024
Time: 7.30-9.30
Venue: Southcote Family Church, RG30 3BL
Cost: £3, Free to first timers..
More info: www.facebook.com/readingaglow

Victorian Christmas
Come along on 7th December!
Drinks and street carols at 7pm.
Performance at 7:30pm.

Chorate Chamber Choir concert
Play it again, Santa!
Christmas Concert 2024: Saturday 7th December, 6.30pm at St Luke's Church, Erleigh Road RG1 5LH
Chorate is a Reading-based mixed voice chamber choir, formed in 2009 by a group of experienced singers wanting to sing, have fun and raise funds for good causes, with over £28,500 raised to date. Our repertoire includes sacred and secular music from the 13th century to the present day, by composers from Palestrina and Bach through to The Turtles and The Beatles.

Victorian Christmas
Come along on 6th December!
Drinks and street carols at 7pm.
Performance at 7:30pm.

Celebrate a Life - Sue Ryder
Join together to remember someone special
We know that grief does not go away with time, but rather stays with us as we move through life. This can feel lonely at times and joining together to remember and appreciate the life of someone special with the Sue Ryder community brings comfort to many.
Please join us at the Great Hall, University of Reading, on Wednesday 4th December to:
Write a personal dedication to someone special for display on our memory wall
Add their name to our dedication screen (in advance via the registration form)
Listen to readings and music
Talk to others who are living with grief
Find out about Sue Ryder’s grief support
Sue Ryder Celebrate a Life Thames Valley is open to anyone who wishes to remember someone important, regardless of when they died and if they were a patient of Sue Ryder.
There is no cost for attending this event.
Spaces are limited, so please register today to attend Celebrate a Life Thames Valley.

Men 2 Men
Acre-Reading - 'Men 2 Men' invites you to their International Men’s Day Celebrations. Time To Talk — Encouraging Men’s Health Champions – to help shine a spotlight on both, the problems of Men’s health and the people delivering the solutions. Guest presenters include Health Professionals.
Come and join us on the 30th November 2024 at The Warehouse, from 3-6pm.

Defending faith, family and freedom
When? Tuesday 19 November 7.30pm – 8.45pm
Where? Yateley Baptist Church, Cricket Hill Lane,
Yateley, GU46 6BA
Contact: Pastor Andrew Wigham 0870 765 2066
Information: We must defend gospel freedom because activists want a law against ‘conversion therapy’ to impose LGBT theology on preaching, prayer, pastoral work and parent-child conversations.
Allowing assisted suicide would put vulnerable people at risk, but the most sick and fragile in society are still valuable because they are made in God’s image. Meanwhile, in our schools, pupils are increasingly exposed to harmful ideologies and anti-Christian teaching. The good news is there are many ways Christians can be a positive influence.
Please join us to hear more about the difference you can make.
Link to leaflet: https://www.christian.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/meetings/2411Yateley.pdf

To us a child is born - an evening of worship and prayer
Transform Reading are doing a cross-town gathering is on Sunday evening, 17th November 2024 at 7pm. This will again be held at The Globe, 12 Portman Road, Reading RG30 1AH.
One this occasion we will have the opportunity to worship and pray together for all things Christmas that will be happening across the communities of Reading and the surrounding areas. Our times like these together are so inspiring and strategic. Imagine being part of one of the largest prayer gatherings in our town! We are living through such troubled and anxious times and yet there is such hope embedded in the Christmas Story and in the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. A variety of people will be contributing throughout the evening and helping us to pray through the key themes and messages the story the birth of Jesus gives us. Please spread the word and lets fill The Globe with dynamic worship and prayer.